Daniel Chapter 6 - Daniel's Faith in the Face of Persecution

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Preview: Today we examine Daniel's unwavering faith and the consequences he faced for worshiping only God in Daniel chapter 6, and to draw lessons for our own faith and commitment.

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11:1-16. 

Memory Verse: Daniel 6:10. 

1. What position did King Darius appoint Daniel and why did this upset the other leaders in the kingdom? Daniel 6:1-3.

2. What scheme did Daniel's enemies devise to entrap him, knowing he worshipped only God, and how did they manipulate King Darius? Daniel 6:4-9.

3. How did Daniel react to the decree forbidding prayer to any god or man except King Darius? Daniel 6:10.

4. What do we learn about Daniel's commitment to prayer from his actions, and what does this reveal about his faith? Discuss.

5. How did Daniel's enemies catch him in the act of praying, and what was their reaction? Daniel 6:11-15.

6. What was King Darius's response when he realized he had been deceived into issuing the decree against Daniel? Daniel 6:16-20.

Note: King Darius was beside himself because he knew that Daniel served the true God yet attempted to elevate himself above God.  He also knew that Daniel was a righteous man, unwavering in his faith, and because the king created the proclamation to sentence anyone who worships anyone but him, he knew this would mean death for Daniel.

7. How did God deliver Daniel from the lion's den, and what does this reveal about the importance of faith? Daniel 6:21-23.

8. What did King Darius decree following Daniel's miraculous deliverance from the lion's den? Daniel 6:24-27.

9. What lessons can we draw from Daniel's experience in chapter 6 about standing firm in our faith, even when facing opposition or persecution? Discuss.

10. How does Hebrews 11:6 relate to Daniel's story, and why is having a strong faith in God essential for believers?


Conclusion: The narrative in Daniel chapter 6 showcases Daniel's unwavering faith and his willingness to face severe consequences for his commitment to worship only God. His story serves as a powerful testament to the importance of faith and the rewards of standing firm in one's beliefs, even in the face of persecution. By examining Daniel's experience, we are reminded of the need for a strong and unyielding faith in God, as Hebrews 11:6 emphasizes that without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Daniel's faith, as exemplified in his commitment to prayer and worship, provides us with a timeless example to follow in our own lives.