Breaking Down Daniel's Vision

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Breaking Down Daniel’s Vision – In Depth (Faith; Prophecy)


Scripture Reading: Daniel 7:1-28.


Memory Verse: Acts 5:29.


1. What was Daniel’s prophetic vision? Daniel 7:2-7.

2. What is represented by the symbols of wind, sea, and beasts? Jeremiah 49:36-39, Revelation 17:15, Daniel 7:17.

3. How many beasts did Daniel see? What did they represent? Daniel 7:3-7.

Note: The prophet pictures four great beasts (kingdoms/kings) rising out of the sea (nations). These represent the four great kingdoms that arise from Daniel’s time. These kingdoms are Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome.

4. How was the fourth beast, Rome, different from all the beasts before it? Daniel 7:7.

Note: The Roman Empire was not overcome by a fifth world-ruling empire. The ten horns represent the divisions of the Roman Empire. The barbarian tribes attacked from the north and divided the empire.

5. How are the divisions of the Roman empire (horns) described by Daniel? Daniel 7:8.

Note: In Daniel’s prophecies a horn is a symbol of power. This power begins small at first and subtly grows unsuspectingly into a dominant world force. Whoever this little horn is, it arises among the ten horns - the divisions of the Roman Empire. Arising out of Rome, it dominates the world.

6. When did the little horn arise? Daniel 7:23-24.

Note: The little horn arises after the fall of the Roman Empire. It was rising to prominence in the latter part of the fourth and throughout the fifth century (AD 351-476), when Rome was in the process of being invaded by the barbarian tribes from the north.

7. What special characteristics does the little horn have? Daniel 7:8-11.

8. What do eyes in the Bible represent? Ephesians 1:18. 

Note: Ancient prophets were called seers. They saw with divine wisdom into the future. This power does not have the eyes of God’s wisdom. It substitutes human wisdom for divine truth. The little horn substitutes human authority for the eternal claims of God’s law.

9. What does the little horn do to God’s people? Daniel 7:25 (first part).

10. How long would the little horn reign? Daniel 7:25 (last part).

Note: The prophet Daniel uses the expression “time, times, and half a time.” Revelation 12:14 uses this same expression. Revelation 12:6 explains this period as 1260 days. In Bible prophecy on prophetic day equals one literal year (Ezekiel 4:6, Numbers 14:34). Since one prophetic day equals a prophetic year, 1260 days equal 1260 years. In 538AD the Roman Church became the single dominant religious power in Europe. The pagan Roman emperor Justinian gave to the pope of Rome civil as well as religious authority. Eventually this resulted in severe persecution. The Dark Ages followed on the heels of this union. God’s people were imprisoned, tortured, and martyred. From 538AD to 1798 this union of church and state continued throughout Europe. 

11. What would this power do to the truth of God? Daniel 8:11-12.

12. How did the Apostle Paul describe this apostasy in early Christianity? Acts 20:29-31.

13. What did the little horn power attempt to do to the Law of God? Daniel 7:25.

14. What does Jesus tell us about truth (God) and tradition (men)? Matthew 6:33-34, Acts 5:28-29.


Conclusion: No individual has the authority to change God’s law. God’s true followers will follow Him willingly and uncompromisingly. Jesus invites us all to acknowledge Him as our Lord and Master.